I have been meaning to post this in between garden cleanup sheep work and life.
Big Texas sized Hat Tip to the New Anglican Firearms Enthusiast for spotting this one and to Brigid over at Home on the Range for writing it. This article is important for those who want to maintain self reliance in an evil World and those who love their families enough to protect them, rather than denying the possibility of evil
Click Here to Read it All
She is a great writer! Thanks for the link.
I miss Mrs. Powell. Is everything OK? I've been laid up with a broken ankle and not able to sit long at the computer until recently. I was hoping to catch up on her posts.
Being as much an 18th Century lady as 20th Century, Mrs Powel has decided to mostly retire from cyberspace. While Granny Miller stays, she deleted Mrs powell as it was mostly topical info. She is enjoying her garden, kitchen, and sheep.
Sorry to hear about your broken ankle. May the Lord bring you speedy healing
Thank you folks! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Thank you for writing it! I think Nicholas from England recently referenced it on the comfortable words blog as well.
please let Granny Miller know that for two days someone has been posting spam on her blog. I am subscribed via google reader and have recieved about 50 spam posts.
Thank you both for sharing all that you do!
I am sorry you are getting spammed. I went to GM's site and it is still safe and as she left it(if you enter from the IP address)
The problem is coming through your feed subscription. I would cancel it, and maybe let Google know. If my lovely and talented wife ever returns to blogging, I will report on it here.
Thanks and God Bless
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