Monday, August 2, 2010

putting her up on blocks

I am going to be parking this weblog for a while, removing the battery, draining the oil, taking off the tires and putting her up on blocks.

As time permits, I will be writing on my Anglican Christian faith over at the River Thames Beach Party. For agrarian interests, I have been invited by my talented wife to join her website, Granny Miller's Homestead Garden and Pantry. I am looking forward to this because I originally started this journal back in 2008 because she did not like me hacking into the old Granny Miller blog. I guess if we live together and farm together, we can maybe manage to share cyberspace. I am also excited about this because non topical agrarian information that I write about(Such as building a sheep feeder or moving a pole building) is better presented in a website than a blog format. Any information here will remain.

Thanks for reading and God Bless you!


TeeJay said...

Sorry to see you leave this site... I am a Lutheran who has been following your ramblings from the PA Wilds (just a stone's throw from Bradford, PA. Enjoyed the flow... May the Lord bless and keep you'ns.

The Midland Agrarian said...

thanks Pastor,
I will still be rambling over at Homestead Garden and Pantry as time permits.

By the way,I really enjoyed your site. Machinist, Mechanic, and Pastor: The World needs more people like you! Especially like the story "Whatcha Doin?"

The Kentucky Parson said...

Best wishes! I'll look forward to the posts on Homestead Garden and Pantry! The Kentucky Parson

Linda J. said...

Always enjoy your site as well as your wife's. I'm so glad you'll be sharing. You both have great wisdom and common sense.


Home on the Range said...

Best of luck to you both.

The Midland Agrarian said...

My Gosh Brigid! I am so honored you ever read my blog. You are are one of the finest essayists I have encountered in the blogosphere.

I am actually working on a couple pieces in between living our agrarian life.