Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday Shopping

No Crowds Here

An email from a friend and reader reminded me I have been neglecting agrarian blogging, while living the agrarian life. I have never mastered the art of writing without excessive verbosity. I am going to try both shorter posts and more frequent posts...

Like most Americans did, I went shopping today. Bought a bag of dog treats and hot coffee at the local general store/diner (Pictured above in warmer weather).

We also drove to New Wilmington to pick up our big purchase. We ordered a Hickory chest as a combination sitting bench and firewood storage for our Hitzer parlor stove. An Amish acquaintance did the work. I made a kitchen firewood box from 1X6's but my wife wanted something pretty for the parlor. I felt good about spending the money, which was much better work than my DIY. The purchase helps sustain a family we like and I expect the bench to last the rest of my life.

It shocks me how people will camp out, endure crushing crowds, and even get peppered sprayed for some electronic gadget that might be out of fashion or break next year. I can attest that it is entirely possible to live a reasonable happy life without an IPAD, IPOD, a microwave, or a television. Though we do love our automatic dishwasher, and of course the laptop I typed this on..... So much for my Luddite purity.


rocking R rustics said...

life without a microwave, hummm thats a tough choice.

Jackie@Auburn Meadow Farm said...

Kind of like Thoreau walking to his mother's for lunch each day :)

Love the new blog although I was very sorry to hear about the demise of Granny Miller - thanks for including me on your blogroll!

Bee said...

Dont feel back for having some luxuries in life such as a computer. Living an agrarian life doesnt mean you have to live an austere life style. The "Black Friday" shopping is so silly and trains people to act greedy. It would be nice to see your new firewood holder:)

The Midland Agrarian said...

Thanks. You are right. While our individual choices about technology may be different, we do need to decide for ourselves whether to use any particular technology. I will try to post a picture of the firewood box.